Starting Out


Starting out on a journey is always filled with the unknown. Sometimes the road ahead looks like this – uneven, filled with unknown obstacles. Sometimes it is smooth, but this journey is starting out like this picture for me. And that first big hole is self-doubt. Can I actually lose all the weight? Can I really be healthy and feel good most of the time? Can I realistically make money with my business? Can I . . . . .?

The more I think about this, I am sure all of these are the wrong questions. Instead of “Can I?” I am going to ask “How can I . . .?” How can I begin to lose weight – today? Is there something I can change to make my body healthier today? Just for today – this one little step? How can I bring more prosperity into my life today? These are the questions that I would ask if I had Courage.

So my first step is to ask myself better questions, and allow some space for better, more creative answers. So I can step around this first big trap of self-doubt and get on my way.

What questions are you asking yourself today?

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